Brand new Blendabilities

Have you noticed the Stampin’ Blendabilities page in the catalogue but skipped past because you just don’t know what to do with them? In short, Bendabilities are alcohol markers and are the best for blending colours and shades. They’re very similar to Copic markers but Stampin’ Up! have made a much easier system. Blendabilities come in packs of 3 markers. A light, medium and dark shade of the same colour. And because they’re from Stampin’ Up!, they come in Stampin’ Up! colours so you know they’re going to exactly match all your cardstock, ribbons and inks etc.

I’m new to alcohol markers but wanted to give them a go and create a class to teach other beginners. I watched some tutorial videos from Stampin’ Up! and then it was simply a matter of playing. Here are the cards I made and they are the same cards we’ll be making in my Blendabilities class on Wednesday 27 August.

Blendabilities class cards. Details @

These cards were CASEd and/or inspired by Sharon Burkert and Carolina Evans.

Blendabilities class cards. Details @ class cards. Details @

Check out all the information for this class (and others) here. I’d love to see you there.




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